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Article: Grand opening event announcement

Grand opening event announcement

For all you outdoor lovers, "outdoor travelers" has finally officially launched!

The grand opening event for "OUTDOOR TRAVELERS," an outdoor vehicle and camping gear rental service based at Aso Kumamoto Airport, will be held on the following dates.

Event details

  • Date: Saturday, January 18th and Sunday, January 19th

  • Time: 10:00-16:00

  • Venue: Sorayoka Park in Aso Kumamoto Airport

This service is a new endeavor that was launched in response to the realization that there is potential to further promote outdoor activities from the airport, which is a gateway to tourism.

With the cooperation of attractive companies from all over Japan, we are preparing a spectacular opening event. Of particular interest is the big raffle where you can win over 200 luxurious items sponsored by brands from all over Japan! Since it will be held in multiple parts, you can enjoy it no matter what time you come.

Event highlights

  • Grand Raffle: A large number of sponsored prizes provided by brands across the country!

  • Outdoor Rental Experience: You can actually see, touch and experience the vehicles and gear.

  • Original item sales: Event-exclusive items are also available.


  • Parking is limited, so we recommend using public transportation.

  • Please note that the venue will be Sorayoka Park.

Don't miss this opportunity to experience this must-see rental service for outdoor enthusiasts!

I look forward to seeing you at Kumamoto Airport.

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